"My greatest desire was to become an artist, and so people in my village helped me learn the art of carving, and I learned fast!"
"I was born in a village on the Island of Bali. I am the only child in a family of farmers. My greatest desire was to become an artist, and so people in my village helped me learn the art of carving, and I learned fast!
"It is a long process to make a very high quality product. I begin with selecting fine materials, then carefully carving or shaping them, then setting it out to dry before beginning the coloring process; for me this is like making a painting. Animal and human figures are my greatest artistic inspiration.
"My wife is wonderful. She supports me in my work and often helps me in the sanding and coloring processes. She takes very good care of our daughters, and she knows how to manage her time well between family and work. She cares for us well!
"While becoming an artist, sometimes I found myself in financial difficulties, and I could only sell my work from time to time. But I believed that wood carving was my mission."
Artwork from Wayan Genep