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Wood and natural fibers decorBALI & JAVA “While creating, I am inspired by the rich art and culture of Bali and Lombok. My favorite art is ate grass-weaving, which is challenging, but very satisfying to create.”“Hi, my name is Citra and I was born into a wood carving family in Bali. People have told me I’m friendly, funny, self-sufficient and fearless. “My hometown Ubud is rich in culture, arts and ideas. I’ve liked Bali dancing and traditional musical instruments ever since I was in elementary school, when I used to dance and play instruments for money. Besides performing, I also...

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Alejandro de Esesarte


Alejandro de Esesarte

Steel Sculptures and Wall Art MEXICO   "Today I have a workshop, a cockatoo named Coco and a cactus collection. Those are all the tools I need to continue working.""I was born in Agua Prieta, Sonora near the border of Arizona with its colorful flowers. I feel influenced by both cultures but, above all, I identify with Mexico. "From the time I was a boy, I was attracted to art. My mother painted and I admired her creative ability. I began to draw cartoon characters at first. Later, as I became better at it, I drew animals and plants. I...

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J. Blas


J. Blas

Iron Wall ArtMEXICO The artistry of J. Blas has been featured in Family magazine and Kentucky Monthly. "Every piece crafted at my workshop goes hand in hand with originality, design and quality.""Hello. My name is J. Blas. From the time I was small I have enjoyed arts and crafts. I loved to dig and prepare clay to make my own pieces and from that time on I began to experiment with ceramics. When I was 17, I started my own ceramic workshop because I hate to ask anyone for work – I feel shy and ashamed. Due to my lack...

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Artisans from Dominican Republic


Artisans from Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic is most widely known for its tourist attractions than its artistic reputation. Dominican artists of international reach perform mostly on the musical scene.Oscar de la Renta, the great fashion designer, is however a Santo Domingo native. We should also mention Paul Giudicelli, Dominican artist whose abstract paintings still influence contemporary artists, as well as Juan Medina whose works decorate the Santo Domingo cathedral and the National Pantheon. But the savvy consumer will still find a way to little treasures, if she (finally!) escapes the beachside hawkers…who mostly sell inexpensive and low-end handmade items, jewellery, dresses or even counterfeit...

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Artisans de République Dominicaine


Artisans de République Dominicaine

La République Dominicaine se démarque généralement davantage par ses attraits touristiques que par sa réputation artistique. Les artistes dominicains de réputation internationale font surtout partie de la scène musicale.Oscar de la Renta, le grand designer de mode, est néanmoins originaire de Santo Domingo. Mentionnons également Paul Giudicelli, un peintre dominicain dont les oeuvres abstraites influencent toujours les artistes contemporains, ainsi que Juan Medina, dont les oeuvres ornent  la Cathédrale de Santo Domingo et le Pantheon National. Mais l'amateur d'art avisé saura trouver de petits trésors, s'il réussit (!) à s'éloigner des vendeurs de plage... où on trouve surtout de jolies babioles faites à la main, des bijoux, des...

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