Gerlandes Jacob
Gerlandes Jacob s'inspire de maints sujets de la vie commune en Haïti, comme les paysannes créoles, la musique ou les danses folkloriques. À travers ses joyeux personnages aux membres effilés, il aspire à transmettre l'ambiance de la musique et transmettre la gaieté à ses clients...
Isaias Ceballos
LATITUDES World DecorFrom Varadero, Isaias is a proud ambassador of the creativity of the Cuban artisans. His musical inspiration has given us the stunning pieces in our Keep Up the Rhythm collection.Installé à Varadero, Isaias est un fier représentant de la créativité des artisans cubains. L'originalité de ses sculptures représentant divers instruments de musique a donné le jour à notre superbe collection Keep Up the Rhythm. Make your world beautiful and their dreams possible.
Wayan Mustika
Wayan is a teacher at a school near his village. After school, he takes a brief rest before beginning work on his art. The father of a son and two daughters, Wayan Mustika is a wood carver from the Gianyar regency.
Wayan Kandiyasa
I first started to learn at the age of nine with my father, beginning with cleaning and finishing the statues he would make. At the age of thirteen I could already make small statues on my own...
Gusti Ngurah Semarajaya
Tuesday, October 26, 1976 was a happy day for I GustMade Sangging and his wife GustMade Endri. That is the day I was born in a remote village in Bali, the fourth of six children. My parents were farmers who could hardly invest in their children's studies.